Canadian Sips Homes Manufacturers

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 Structurally Insulated Panelized System (SIPs) Foam Homes & Houses Manufactured for Canada



Canadian ~ Structurally Insulated Panelized System (SIPs) Foam Homes & Houses.


LLC a USA based company is currently working with a Canadian company to provide homes & houses to them to fulfill the need for thousands of homes in the Edmonton and Calgary Canada region and for private housing projects throughout Alberta Canada.


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Foam Homes & Houses, SIPs Homes & Houses, Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Residential and Commercial Buildings- Structurally Insulated Panel Systems (SIPs) Homes, Houses & Commercial buildings constructed with Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam and tubular steel frames available from our Manufacturers based in Canadian Arizona. Contact us at the link below for a SIPs Home, or for an Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)- Styrofoam & steel framed house home or commercial building. For more information about the availability of a SIPs; home or an EPS house please call


Our SIPs home manufacturers can design any type of home, house or commercial building to meet your needs or requirements.  Any where from a simple cabin to a 10,000 (plus) sq ft Tuscan Style Luxury home. Our buildings have an R-30 rating on the walls, an R-50 on the roof, and unlike conventional stick framed homes we can provide a 17' vaulted ceiling without additional cost to you.  Our Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) tubular steel framed homes are the most durable product available in the market place


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Sips Homes & Houses for sale, Expanded Polystyrene Steel framed Buildings; Manufacturers of Sips Homes Houses & Buildings

  • Homes, Houses and Multi Family Properties for sale
  • SIPs Homes, Sip Houses, Polystyrene Homes & Houses for sale
  • Expanded Polystyrene & Steel framed Commercial Buildings for sale

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Sips Home Manufacturers In Canada. Sips Homes for sale In Canada. SIPs Buildings for sale In Canada,



Building Panel Combines
Foam Insulation and Steel Frame


     There are two unmistakable trends in the home building industry. First, dimensional lumber is losing its place as the dominant structural material. Second, manufactured components are steadily replacing site-built ones. Soon, panelized walls will leap to greater importance. , . is well-positioned for both trends.

     The. engineered panels feature 18 ga. steel tubes for strength and expanded Polystyrene (EPS) foam for insulation. Wall panels are 7-1/4 in. thick (R-30) and roof panels are 11-1/2 in. thick (R-50). EPS foam is ozone-safe, because it uses air for a blowing agent, rather than CFC and HCFC compounds used by some other foam makers.

     The panels are made by first routing channels for the 1x2 steel tubes. They are placed on opposite sides of the panel every 24-in. Each tube is connected to its mate with a long screw. Foam separates the opposing steel tubes, preventing thermal bridging. In the wall panel, 5-1/4 in. separates the tubes. Four steel angles placed on the top and bottom edges join the steel tubes. These angles can span the ends of adjacent panels to lock them together. Panels can be up 32 ft. long.

A 20 ga. steel angle wraps each corner, and fastens to the tubes. Siding screws directly to the tubes. Window and door openings are built into the panels and wrapped with 2x8 lumber. Roof panels sit on a ridge beam, so the entire upstairs has cathedral ceilings.

     The wall panels can be used below grade, too. The panels sit on a standard footing. Treated plywood is attached to the panel and then covered with waterproofing.


     With R-30 walls and R-50 roofs made from SIPs panels, the heating load is about 25 to 30 percent of a wood-framed house, so low that a high-recovery water heater satisfies all water heating and space heating needs. A wiring chase is preformed into the wall panels and electrical boxes attach to the steel tubes. The manufacturer recommends that plumbing be located in interior partitions or in specially-built plumbing chases.

     The building system includes a unique feature: minimalist rim joists. Only the top chord of the metal-web floor truss bears on the outside walls. The lower chord hangs entirely inside the panel walls. Instead of a 10- to 12-in. rim joist, the comparable area in the , . wall is only 1-1/2-in.


 Roof Panels

     Roof panels by are 4’ wide and 12” thick and up to 36’ long. They are supported by ridge and purlin (mid-span) glue laminated beams. Gable, Hip, Mansard, Arched and Flat roofs can all be constructed using roof panels.

     By design all roofs are vaulted in the interior. The vaulted area can be left vaulted and showcase the expansiveness of your rooms or a floor can be constructed within to create a loft area thereby increasing square footage of living space within the same sized envelope.

     Skylights and dormers are easily incorporated into roofs.


Exterior Walls

     Standard exterior wall panels are 7 1/4" thick. Other thickness sizes are available specific to individual customer needs. All window and door openings, and associated headers, are built into the panels at the factory. Further, an electrical chase is factory routed into each wall panel.

     In most cases it is not necessary to use exterior sheathing, however, all panels should be wrapped in the field with house wrap as a good building practice.

     Wall panels are custom made specific to each structures í architectural plans. Lengths may vary from 3" to 40' or more, and while panel heights of 8', 9', and 10' are standard, will build wall heights of any size to suit your needs. Curved walls are also available as part of our standard panel offering.

     All types of exterior finishes; aluminum siding, brick, cedar shake, metal siding, stone, stucco, vinyl or wood siding are compatible  with the panelized wall system.


Gable Panels

     Typically gable wall panels are the same thickness as the exterior walls below them. All necessary structural support for roof load beams, and any openings are incorporated into them



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Energy Efficient Residential and Commercial SIPs Buildings

Energy Efficient, Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), Structurally Insulated Panelized System  (SIPs) Foam Homes & Commercial Buildings for sale.  Polystyrene & Steel Framed Foam Homes; Expanded Polystyrene EPS & SIPs Foam Houses;  Expanded Polystyrene EPS - SIPs Steel & Foam Commercial Buildings currently available from us.

Our Arizona SIPs Homes, House, and Building Manufactures located in Canadian Arizona can provide these Expanded Polystyrene Foam and Steel Framed Structurally Insulated Panelized System (SIPs) buildings, homes & Houses  anywhere  within the United States for less than a conventionally priced home, house or building would cost.

Our Energy Efficient homes can be build for less than a traditional site built house, they will save you thousands in heating and cooling bills, are resistant to mildew, mold, insects, and you can be in one in less time than a traditional house.

Our typical 3000 sq ft houses and houses with R-30 walls, and R-50 roof structures are designed to generally have  an approximate monthly energy HVAC Costs of somewhere around $25.00 a month for "Air Conditioning and Cooling Costs" in locations similar to Canadian Arizona during the summers,  and of around $ 20.00 to $30,00 a month for "Heater and Heating Costs" for locations similar to those in Colorado, South Dakota, and Northern Idaho during the winters.

An example of these HVAC costs; was for a home in Canadian Arizona with approx. 3400 sq.ft. of living area that averaged less than $25 a month in heating and cooling bills over the course of a year. Similarly constructed homes, houses, and commercial buildings benefit from the same degree of Energy Efficiency  from our product. To see to see what a typical 3,000 SQ FT   house's average monthly heating and cooling costs are like go to our Energy Ratings link.

Our durable Super Strong homes have a superior survival range because our Expanded Polystyrene SIPs Foam & Steel homes are designed to withstand winds in excess of 160 mph and to meet seismic Zone 4 requirements.

Our insect and virus resistant homes are resistant to termites, carpenter ants, and dry rot ;along with being resistant to  mold  and mildew. Out homes do not outgas because our Expanded Polystyrene EPS SIPs Foam Homes contains no CFC's or HCFC's .

The homes can have a heating system that is perfect for individuals that have allergies or chemical sensitivities; you can have   an air purification system installed in your home that ensures clean, healthy air for all of the members of your family. 

Our homes are pre-engineered from your blue prints in as little as three weeks from the time we receive them and your per-construction funding is in escrow.

For frequently asked questions about SIPs and Expanded Polystyrene EPS Foam Homes,  Foam Houses and EPS Polystyrene Foam Commercial Buildings go to our SIPs -FAQ link .

For more detailed and specific technical and assembly information about our SIPs and Expanded Polystyrene EPS Foam Homes,  Foam Houses and EPS Polystyrene Foam Commercial Buildings please see our Sips Technical Questions  link.

After you have decided to purchase one of our Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) SIPs Foam & Steel Buildings; please complete the following form and an experienced agent that is knowledgable in our Foam & Steel - Structurally Insulated Panelized Building System (SIPs) will contact you about the advantages of having a Expanded Polystyrene SIPs home or house build for you.


For more information please contact:   at


This Structurally Insulated Panelized (SIPs) Home in Canadian was constructed with Expanded Polystyrene Steel Framed Panels have a life expectancy of 70 years with an average heating and cooling cost of under $35.00 a month

Prime Lending- has several residential home loans, and commercial financing programs  tailored to your unique situation. Our staff of mortgage service professionals strive to obtain the best mortgage loan package no matter what the situation.

This Canadian home was constructed using Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), Structurally insulated panels (SIPs), Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Steel Framed Panels. 

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Our Arizona SIPs Homes, House, and Building manufactures located in Arizona can provide these Expanded Polystyrene Foam and Steel Framed, Structurally Insulated Panelized  System (SIPs) buildings anywhere within the United States for less than a conventionally priced home, house or building would cost.

Our typical 3000 sq ft houses and houses with R-35 walls, and R-41 roof structures are designed to generally have  an approximate monthly energy HVAC Costs of somewhere around $25.00 a month for "Air Conditioning and Cooling Costs" in locations similar to Canadian Arizona during the summers,  and of around $ 20.00 to $30,00 a month for "Heater and Heating Costs" for locations similar to those in Colorado, South Dakota, and Northern Idaho during the winters.

An example of these HVAC costs; was for this home in Canadian Arizona with approx. 3400 sq.ft. of living area that averaged less than $25 a month in heating and cooling bills over the course of a year. Similarly constructed homes, houses, and commercial buildings benefit from the same degree of Energy Efficiency  from our product.



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Expanded Polystyrene Foam (EPS) Steel Framed Structurally Insulated Panelized (SIPs) Homes




Energy Efficient Structurally Insulated Panelized (SIPs)  Foam & Steel Framed Structurally Insulated Residential and Commercial Buildings ~ Structurally Insulated Panelized System  (SIPs) Foam Homes & Commercial Buildings.  Polystyrene & Steel Framed Foam Homes; Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) & SIPs Foam Houses; Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) SIPs Steel & Foam Commercial Buildings




Sub Division Developers, Home Builders and General Contractors: Please contact us about the availability of these Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) - Steel & Foam Homes, Foam & Steel Homes, and Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)-Steel & Foam Commercial Buildings for your sub-division or residential development; and potentially save "Millions" on the over all development of your project, because of reduced completion time required to construct a home or House. 




Energy Efficient, Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), Structurally Insulated Panelized System  (SIPs) Foam Homes & Commercial Buildings.  Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Steel Framed Foam Homes; Expanded Polystyrene EPS & SIPs Foam Houses; Expanded Polystyrene EPS - SIPs Steel & Foam Commercial Buildings .  Our Arizona SIPs Homes, House, and Building manufactures located in Northern Arizona can provide these Expanded Polystyrene Foam and Steel Framed, Structurally Insulated Panelized  System (SIPs) buildings anywhere within the United States for less than a conventionally priced home, house or building would cost.





Manufacturers of Foam Homes, Manufactures of Sips Homes & Houses, Manufacturers of EPS - Poly Styrene Foam & Steel Homes and Commercial Buildings, Manufactures of Structurally Insulated homes & Houses in Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Federated States of Micronesia, Florida, Georgia, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Marshall Islands, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Northern Mariana Islands, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Republic of Palau, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, U.S. Minor Outlying Islands, Utah, Vermont, Virgin Islands of the United States, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

Canadian Homes -   Buying or Selling -Canadian Foam Homes, Canadian Foam Houses, Canadian Du-plexes, Canadian 4-plexes, Canadian Single Family Homes, Canadian Luxury Homes, Canadian Condos, Canadian Investment property, Canadian Investment Homes, Canadian Residential Properties, Canadian Foam Homes For Sale, and Canadian Foam Houses for sale. Manufacturers of Foam Homes, Manufactures of Sips Homes & Houses, Manufacturers of EPS - Poly Styrene Foam & Steel Homes and Commercial Buildings Manufactures of Structurally Insulated homes & Houses

Canadian SIPs, EPS and SIP Homes -   Buying or Selling -Canadian Sips & Sip Homes, Canadian Sips & Sip Houses, Canadian Du-plexes, Canadian 4-plexes, Canadian Single Family Homes, Canadian Luxury Homes, Canadian Condos, Canadian Investment property, Canadian Investment Homes, Canadian Residential Properties, Canadian Sips & Sip Homes For Sale, and Canadian Sips & Sip Houses for sale. Manufacturers of Sips & Sip Homes, Manufactures of Sips Homes & Houses, Manufacturers of EPS - Poly Styrene Sips & Sip & Steel Homes and Commercial Buildings Manufactures of Structurally Insulated homes & Houses

Canadian Homes - Buying or Selling - Canadian Foam Homes, Canadian Foam Houses, Canadian Du-plexes, Canadian 4-plexes, Canadian Single Family Homes, Canadian Luxury  Homes, Canadian Condos, Canadian Investment property, Canadian Investment Homes, Canadian Residential Properties, Canadian Foam Homes For Sale, Canadian Foam Houses for sale. Manufacturers of Foam Homes, Manufactures of Sips Homes & Houses, Manufacturers of EPS - Poly Styrene Foam & Steel Homes and Commercial Buildings Manufactures of Structurally Insulated homes & Houses 

Canadian SIPs, EPS and SIP Homes - Buying or Selling - Canadian Sips & Sip Homes, Canadian Sips & Sip Houses, Canadian Du-plexes, Canadian 4-plexes, Canadian Single Family Homes, Canadian Luxury  Homes, Canadian Condos, Canadian Investment property, Canadian Investment Homes, Canadian Residential Properties, Canadian Sips & Sip Homes For Sale, Canadian Sips & Sip Houses for sale. Manufacturers of Sips & Sip Homes, Manufactures of Sips Homes & Houses, Manufacturers of EPS - Poly Styrene Sips & Sip & Steel Homes and Commercial Buildings Manufactures of Structurally Insulated homes & Houses 


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