The Award Winning Lifebreath Clean Air Furnace


Indoor comfort in a small package

This combination heating system provides constant ventilation and a steady stream of warm air for the healthiest, most comfortable home environment possible. This occurs with a system efficiency of up to 90%.


How it works


    Fresh Air for Your Home  

  1. Warm, stale air from the home is returned to the Lifebreath Clean Air Furnace.
  2. Outdoor air travels through the fresh air intake and is brought into the integral HRV.
  3. The fresh and stale air pass through opposite sides of the HRV's aluminum heat exchange core.
  4. Heat from the stale air is transferred to the fresh air.
  5. Stale air is exhausted outside.

    Meanwhile, in Lifebreath's ultra-efficient heating coil:

    Hot water is sent from the water heater to the furnace heating coil.

  6. A PSC type high-efficiency fan blows the tempered fresh air from the HRV into the coil.
  7. The circulation pump distributes hot water through the coil.
  8. The circulating hot water heats the air to the desired temperature.
  9. Warm, fresh air is distributed to registers throughout the house.
  10. The hot water travels through the coil and returns to the water heater for domestic use.





Frequently Asked Quiestions


FAQ: TFP (Turbulent Flow Precipitator)
How can I tell whether I need a Lifebreath Air Cleaner?
If anyone in the family has allergies, they'll experience relief when you install a Lifebreath Air Cleaner. If you have a baby, or pre-schooler, childhood ailments will be less of a problem. If you work in an environment where the air isn't as good as it should be you'll appreciate coming home to clean air. If there are older people in your home they'll breathe more easily. Tobacco smoke won't hang around. Cleaning will be easier, particularly if you have pets.

Will it work in any kind of home?
The Lifebreath Air Cleaner is normally installed in the air distribution system. If your home uses radiant heat a simple air distribution system can be designed and installed; or the Lifebreath Air Cleaner can be used as a stand-alone unit in part of the house, installed in a closet or in the ceiling to service a single room or suite.

Will it affect the performance of my air distribution system?
The Lifebreath Air Cleaner is self-powered, and is normally installed in a by-pass configuration. That's to say about 10% of the air passing through the furnace or air conditioner is drawn off, cleaned, and returned to the air stream. It will have no effect on the efficiency of your system.

How can a by-pass system clean all the air in the house?
In an average 2500 square foot home all the air in the house passes through the furnace 4.5 times every hour. With the Lifebreath Air Cleaner in a by-pass configuration, drawing off 10% of the air continuously, 45% of the air in the house will be cleaned every hour. After adjustment for normal infiltration of air into the home, we find that in this example all the air in the home passes through the Lifebreath Air Cleaner 9.2 times in every 24 hours.

Does it have to run continuously to keep the air clean?
You'll get maximum benefit from your Lifebreath Air Cleaner if it runs continuously all the time the house is occupied. A timer can be used to save energy if the house is left empty for extended periods.

Will I still need the filters in my furnace?
It's best to leave them in position, for two reasons. One is that they help keep heating (or cooling) elements free from dust and dirt; the other is that by intercepting large particles they reduce the load on the Lifebreath unit, helping it do what it does best -- trap the very small particles that pass through the furnace filter. 


Test your knowledge

Q1. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the air inside a home is generally how many times more polluted than in the streets outside?

3 to 5 times more polluted

twice as polluted

10 to 70 times more polluted

Q2. During the course of a day an adult breathes in the equivalent of how many airborne particles generated by the activity of humans, pets, and insects?

one teaspoon

two heaping tablespoons

five heaping tablespoons

Q3. One cubic foot of indoor air may contain how many particles [ranging in size from visible dust specks to particles only visible in an electron microscope]?

a million or more

10,000 - 50,000

200,000 - 500,000

Q4. A good quality furnace filter might be able to remove approximately what percentage of these particles?




