Advanced Structural Buildng Systems - Patented Structural Building System.




Some of the benefits of our patented structural building system and structural panels are as follows:
  • Higher Resale Value
  • Less expensive than stick construction
  • Easier to work with and less expensive than traditional SIPs construction with OSB
  • Less expensive than metal skinned SIPs panels
  • Higher STC Values
  • Ability to meet geophysical hazards
  • Ability to meet structural and energy building codes
  • Energy Efficient
  • Easier and faster to assemble in the field
  • Superior energy savings
  • Environmental sensitivity
  • Enhanced safety and convenience
  • Significant cost savings
  • Less waste ,


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The system delivers a proprietary, specially engineered, panelized, wall, floor, ceiling and roof building system with superior energy savings, environmental sensitivity, enhanced safety and convenience at significant cost savings.

The structural building panels unique proprietary design and ability to be reconfigured as needed allows us to deliver a structural panel that is superior in strength, faster to install on site, with the ability to eliminate thermal transfer.  The panel can be configured to be used in roofs, walls, floors, ceilings and can be used to manufacture mobile homes and travel trailers, simply be re-configuring the panels various components, which is unique to our component assemblies.
The  structural building panel systems can be designed and manufactured to be able to withstand the most severe environmental and geophysical hazards. They are designed to be approved and used nationwide, while delivering  an energy efficient structure designed to meet local energy efficiency zoning codes
  Are Structural Insulated Panels More Expensive? ~ The structural building panel systems has proven to be far less expensive for building with than wood frame construction, especially when you factor in the additional labor savings resulting from shorter construction time and less job-site waste.     Other savings are realized because less expensive heating and cooling systems are required with SIP construction.    
  SIPs Homes Out Perform Traditional "Stick Built"  ~  SIP buildings are vastly more energy efficient, stronger, quieter, and more draft free than other building systems, such as stud framing with fiberglass insulation. Fiberglass is sometimes used for furnace filters because air moves through so freely. Rigid insulation is used as solid component insulation in almost every industry for its inherent efficiency and lack of air movement. These attributes are automatically included in a SIP building. Less air leakage means fewer drafts, less noise, lower energy bills, and a much more comfortable indoor environment.  
  • Save construction time and "MONEY" on your "CONSTRUCTION LOANS"
  • SIPs homes construction also saves costly labor hours. A project using stick frame construction may take several weeks with a 4-person crew, but will take as little as    3 days, with the same crew using our SIPs Homes system.
  • What makes SIPS even better are that the HVAC and wire chases are factory milled in the EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) insulation. Therefore installing wiring and heating and cooling ducts is easy. Insulation & it's installation are not an additional cost since the EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) replaces the normal insulation and gives a better long-wall insulation value and performance with minimal thermal drift.
  • In summary our proprietary method of addressing thermal transfer makes a system that out performs the competition, in accuracy, ease of installation and energy efficiency.
  Our proprietary approach to constructing panelized wall and roof building systems, under strict factory conditions, leads to a unique level of quality in the overall product.

Each individual component is designed and engineered using Computer Aided Design, (CAD). This capability enables us to customize both floor plans and elevations with the added power of translating the clients’ visions into reality.  This critical CAD element has improved much of our overall effectiveness as a vertically integrated, instant communication manufacturing organization

This new superior quality level and use of high energy saving components leads to significant energy savings and flexibility of design using environmentally friendly materials.  The fact that the world’s tree/wood supply is being exhausted desperately calls out for the need and use of alternative technologies.  This overall building approach will set a new standard of excellence and efficiency in the ‘green’ home building industry that does not exist today.

Our panels can be configured to be used in the following capacities:
  • Structural Wall Panels
  • Floor Assemblies
  • Roof Assemblies
  • Mobile Home Manufacturing
  • Commercial Building Construction
  • Travel Trailer Manufacturing
  • Emergency Housing
  • Oil and Gas Field employee housing
  • Sheds
Some of the advantages of one of our homes are as follows:
  • Insect and Mold Resistant
  • High Energy Efficiency Components
  • Increased Home Resale Values
  • Decreased Building Time
  • A True Green Product
  • Decreased Mortgage & Payment Rates
  • Potential Energy Tax Credits
  • Reduced Energy Costs
  • Increased Life Expectancy of Building
  • High Wind Load Survivability
  • Reduced Thermal Loss
  • Reduced Insurance Rates
  • Reduced Costs For Heating and Cooling Equipment

Foam Insulation and Steel Frame

     Two unmistakable trends in the home building industry lead to 1. dimensional lumber is losing its place as the dominant structural material, and 2. manufactured components are steadily replacing site-built ones. The expectation is that panelized walls will grow in greater importance.

     The engineered panels feature 20 and 18 gauge steel studs for strength and expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam for insulation. Wall panels range from 3 ½ in. to 7-1/4 in. thick (up to R-30) and roof panels up to 12 in. thick (R-50). EPS foam is ozone-safe, because it uses air for a blowing agent, rather than CFC and HCFC compounds used by some other foam makers.

     The panels are made by first routing the panels to accept a structural steel stud, with the studs being spaced depending on engineering specifications.  Lateral Stabilizing track is placed on the top and bottom edges join the assembly together, with the ability of creating a panel up to 32 ft. long.

     Steel angle wraps each corner, inside and out, and fastens to the studs. Siding can be screwed directly to the Studs. Window and door openings are built into the panels and wrapped with steel track. Roof panels can sit on a ridge beam resulting in an entire upstairs with cathedral ceilings.

      With R-30 walls and R-50 roofs made from SIPs panels, the heating load is about 25 to 30 percent of a wood-framed house. This allows a high-recovery water heater to satisfy all water heating and space heating needs. A wiring chase is preformed into the wall panels and electrical boxes attach to the steel tubes. The manufacturer recommends that plumbing be located in interior partitions or in specially-built plumbing chases.

 Roof Panels

      Roof panels by are basically 4’ wide and can be up to 12” thick at a length of 36’. They are supported by ridge and purlin (mid-span) glue laminated beams. Gable, Hip, Mansard, Arched and Flat roofs can all be constructed using these roof panels.

     By design all roofs are vaulted in the interior. The vaulted area can be left vaulted and showcase the expansiveness of rooms. If desired, a floor can be constructed within to create a loft area thereby increasing square footage of living space within the same sized envelope.

     Skylights and dormers are easily incorporated into the Systems roofs.

Exterior Walls

      Standard exterior wall panels are either 5 ½ in. or 7 ¼ in. thick. Other thickness sizes are available specific to individual customer needs. All window and door openings, and associated headers, are built into the panels at the factory. Further, an electrical chase is factory routed into each wall panel.

     In most cases it is not necessary to use exterior sheathing, however, all panels should be wrapped in the field with house wrap as a good building practice.

     Wall panels are custom made specific to each structure’s architectural plans. Lengths may vary from 3' to 40' or more. While panel heights of 8', 9', and 10' are standard, wall heights of any size can be built to suit needs.

     All types of exterior finishes; aluminum siding, brick, cedar shake, metal siding, stone, stucco, vinyl or wood siding are compatible  with the panelized wall system.

Gable Panels

      Typically gable wall panels are the same thickness as the exterior walls below them. All necessary structural support for roof load beams and any openings are incorporated.





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